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shoe shop with antonia sainz,brittany bardot by vipissy

VIPissy presents Antonia Sainz,Brittany Bardot in Shoe Shop . It s surprising some of the things that happen behind closed doors as shoe shop owner Brittany Bardot is about to find out. Gorgeous babe Antonia Sainz comes to find a pair of high heels for the weekend and spots a pair of shiny golden heels that takes her fancy. She tries them on then suddenly feels the urge to piss. To Brittany s surprise, Antonia pulls up her tight minidress and starts pussy pissing right into one of the heels! Instead of getting Angry, Brittany is quite turned on by this and picks up the heels to pour Antonia s piss right into her mouth. Naughty Antonia helps Brittany to unzip her pencil skirt and sit on the stool before she starts pissing into a black high heels that Antonia is holding. These sexy babes start to strip and Brittany fingers Antonia s pussy before laying back to take more golden showers over her panties. It isn t long before both of these pissing lesbians end up completely naked and conti

  • 00:28:47
  • May 25, 2023
  • 350


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