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maid begs for her job

I arrive home from work to see my maid cleaning the kitchen in her short little skirt and heels. Her juicy booty peeps out of the bottom of her skirt, getting me aroused. She has no idea I am watching her from across the room, stroking my cock. I drop my bag, startling her, she immediately drops to her knees and crawls to my cock. She deepthroats and slobbers all over my dick, she has to do well in order to keep her job. I fuck her face until she needs to get more work done, I stroke my cock as she scrubs the floor on hands and knees. I shove my cock in her tight pussy from behind and pound her as she cleans the tiles. I push her over into her dirty puddle and fuck her in missionary. She begs me to fill her with my cum, I pump my load deep into her, hoping to get her pregnant. She gets to keep her job today.

  • 00:19:36
  • May 25, 2023
  • 185


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