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real life futanari - horny futa chick rika fane fucks hard and passionate zuzu sweet until cums big time in her mouth

Rika Fane thought a quiet night alone would help her forget her wild past with Serina Gomez, but when her old friend Zuzu Sweet shows up and uninvited, her plans for a peaceful evening go out the window. As the night wears on, Rika becomes increasingly uneasy, as it’s a full moon and she knows she can’t control herself during this time of the month. She is trying to fight the sensation, but it’s too strong! She runs to the bathroom where her hard futa cock gets erect… When she returns from the toilet she has completely changed. She drinks Zuzu’s drink and makes a move on her right away. Zuzu is surprised by her sudden change of demeanour, but she is more than open to some fun! When she sees Rika’s huge dick, she gets extremely horny and lets her best friend fuck her hard. Zuzu even gives a sloppy blowjob to her friend and lets her cum in her mouth.

  • 00:12:07
  • May 30, 2023
  • 849


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