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Joslyn James. Tags: Blowjob, Fake Tits, Facial, Fuck Toy, MILF, POV, Stripper, Tight Ass

Suck Like A Hoover And Cleans Up Better. Pornstar. Yes Joslyn James is a fucking perfect MILF and needs to be caught during Cougar Season. So much so that she even brands it on her chest. And what a great set of mammaries! But then there s Pornstar all over this perfect whore. Great solid petite body. Piercing blue eyes. Aforementioned incredible rack. But that s just the bod. This cumslut will wreck you. If you are not trained and focused a bit she will have you blowing your load in 3 min. Sucks like a Hoover and cleans up better. Double handed stroke perfection. Cum-draining, ball squeezing finisher. In summary, 5 Star Pornstar! ~Scott Hancock

  • 00:23:23
  • Jun 01, 2023
  • 184


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