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alexis adams wants to be a cheerleader and you can help! joi

Your step daughter wants to talk to you about joining the cheer squad at college. Her step-mom does not want her to join because she thinks all cheerleaders are sluts, but she thinks that you can talk some sense into her step-mom. Can you help her, please? Since her step-mom started going through menopause, she has been weird and Alexis thinks that she can help you with your sexual frustrations. Will you promise not to tell anyone about this? Yes? Well, then, get your dick out and stroke it. Her perky titties are just beneath a thin layer of fabric and you want to see them right now. As if she knew what you needed, Alexis exposes her tits and shakes them at you. They are much perkier than her step-mother s tits are! You quickly see that your naught step daughter is wearing no panties. Maybe your step daughter Alexis really is a slut after all! She just wants to help you cum and she will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Slap her ass with your cock. That is what you both want. You now can see that her pussy lips are huge – just like her step-mother s! Okay, it is time to cum now, so drop your load on those puffy nipples. Oh, step-daddy, look at all of your cum dripping off of Alexis titties. Now go talk to her step-mom because practice starts tomorrow.

  • 00:07:44
  • Jun 02, 2023
  • 546


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