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my sensual sex in vintage lingerie

My sensual evening sex with Becky in vintage lingerie. Becky likes everything to be beautiful at all times, including any of her partners well dressed for sex in expensive lingerie. It was she who taught me to beautiful lingerie and turned me into her Sissy Slut.
Today she prepared for evening sex, dressed excitingly and made intention to be ready for bed. But as soon as I came into the bedroom, her tender hands touched my penis and caused a strong arousal. And when I saw her in white vintage lingerie, I almost finished on her. She said she wouldn t have sex with me when I was so casually dressed and gave me a vintage bodysuit with the hint that I should style her outfit. Well, I love it very much and it excites me. She changed my lingerie, and while she did it, my arousal grew. By the way, she likes to start sex when I m wearing a tight-fitting condom, it excites her. Naturally, when I m ready to cum, she removes the condom from me or breaks it, because she loves to get sperm in al

  • 00:42:57
  • Jun 09, 2023
  • 94


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