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matti fucks johnny straight

The boys met Matti at the Boardwalk. They asked her if she knew some hot dudes for Johnny as Johnny was finally coming out of the closet. She looked at Johnny. Yeah he looked like he would suck dick. So she went with them for a ride to pick up dudes. But the boys dropped some money on her to drop her clothes and then they wondered if Johnny would get hard for a girl. Matti was interested, too. She let him touch her breasts. She jerked his dick and then she sucked. A miracle! It got hard. So maybe Johnny wasn’t gay after all. They gave her $2000 to fuck him. So she did! They fucked while the van was bumping and sightseeing through Miami. They fucked in several positions until formerly gay Johnny came on her tits. They lured Matti and Johnny out of them and left them stranded.

  • 01:07:39
  • Jun 14, 2023
  • 514


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