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female desperation omo phone call from sushii xhyvette

Your hottie GF, Sushii Xhyvette, is driving home but she s really bursting to go pee... she should ve just gone after work but she didn t anticipate getting stuck in traffic. She doesn t want to leak pee onto the car seats but to make the pressure even worse... she needs to go #2 too! She s going to try and fart and maybe it ll relieve some pressure... uh oh... she might ve sharted in her panties! She talks about her desperation on both ends in detail but she can t hold it her bladder & describes wetting herself in the car. She s pulling in so open the garage door and come out to help her try and make it to the toilet!! Super cute, intimate desperation with lovely Sushii.

  • 00:07:43
  • Jun 24, 2023
  • 79


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