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that’s a really hard cock, stepdaddy! (with vienna rose) - joi

Vienna wants to thank you for letting her spend the night with your step-daughter last night. Your step-daughter is out on an errand and Vienna wants some help picking out what to wear today. She models one outfit, but then she takes off her top to show you another option. She is not wearing a bra and you note her little A-cup titties, complete with pierced nipples. You are flabbergasted when you see her shirt. It reads “Step-Daddy’s Girl”. You really love that shirt and it shows in your pants. She reaches over and puts her hand on your hard cock. She has never played with a cock before, but she has watched videos. Can she try playing with your cock today, Step-Daddy?

Starring Vienna Rose

  • 00:09:13
  • Jun 28, 2023
  • 137


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