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time to get my pussy pampered

Every now and again a lady needs to treat herself right? So I decided to book a masseuse to come and pay me a visit! Little did I know he was going to provide me with a little more than just a back rub! His frame was muscular and his hands were strong as he massaged my body from head to toe! He worked my pert derriere and copped more than a handful of my oiled titties too! It didn t take long before stars aligned and the massage quickly turned very X-rated! His veiny cock matched his fine physic and he teased me with it as I lay strewn over the bed. It wasn t just his hands that worked their magic, as he started to massage my clit with his tongue! My pussy was throbbing and I just couldn t let him leave without beckoning him to thrust his massive BBC into my very wet pussy! What a fuck! He sure was worth every penny! Of course, I had to leave my pining betas a nice close up of a dripping creampie. Now who s going to lap up this mess!?

  • 00:35:28
  • Jul 02, 2023
  • 212


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