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girls only masturbation instructions

This clip is especially for the girls. (If you are a boy and you are watching this clip, Aaliyah wants you to stop watching, you naughty boy.) Aaliyah wants to have some fun with a girl, but you decide to keep this clip running anyway. She removes her bra and you see her pretty small tits. Don t you love to play with your titties? Aaliyah wants you to get naked with her. She loves to hang out with her girlfriends naked. Now she wants to demonstrate how to play with your pussy. (As a guy, you think that this information will be helpful to you, so you are glad to keep watching.) Now, ladies, lick one finger and make it nice and wet before you slide it into your pussy. Yes, that s right - slide your finger right inside. If it feels better, then slip two fingers in and work your pussy. Use your other hand to play with your titties. How horny are you today? Aaliyah promises you that she will make you cum today better than any man ever could. Isn t it fun being a girl? Picture Aaliyah s tong

  • 00:08:47
  • Jul 08, 2023
  • 262


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