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crazywifeslut cunt pumped and fistfuck

The stunning blond bombshell ‘ CrazyWifeSlut ‘ stars in this extreme cunt destruction scene, having her swollen wrecked hole punch fisted, foot fucked and stretched with giant toys! She’s easily described as the perfect wife, with her smoking hot, gym toned physique, beautiful looks and severely destroyed holes that constantly crave stretching to excess. There really isn’t anything not to adore about this mesmerising woman and her obsession to ruin her ass and cunt further beyond return, with every thrilling movie she performs. Enjoy watching this scene begin with her legs spread over a chair, camera zoomed in, and a giant pussy pump attached to her hole, vacuum pumping her snatch till its a puffy mound of swollen cunt flesh, throbbing and oozing with her orgasmic fluids. Her hubby begins stretching her drooling gash with his enormous clenched fist, slamming it in and out with powerful deep thrusts, blasting his knuckles against her G-spot and cervix! This drives her wild with euphoric

  • 00:06:57
  • Jul 09, 2023
  • 253


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