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absolutely! with indica flower, lil d

It s been about 18 months since the lovely Indica Flower ❤ was on set for Hussie?Pass & we paired her up with another old friend Lil D for today s update. Spring has sprung & that means it s warm enough to shoot outside at our new place in South Florida ?️ The scene starts out with our newest director Big ?? Lou helping us get reacquainted with our old friend Indica before she gets naked, lubes up ? her big all natural tits ?? & juicy ass ?? and uses her fingers to get her motor running. Lil D then mysteriously walks into the scene and begins to fondle Indica s previously mentioned big all natural tits ?? & juicy ass ?? before going down on her neatly trimmed snatch ??♂️ Indica then eagerly tackles 3 “jobs”, as in a sloppy blowjob ?? a juicy titjob ??? and a lackluster footjob ??☹️ Then we get to the fucking - and I dare you to count how many times Indica says “OH SHIT/FUCK” or makes one of these faces: ?????? - as Lil D buries his BBC into Indica

  • 00:48:27
  • Jul 16, 2023
  • 787


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