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joi strip poker

Hi Goddess ?I am an extreme premature ejaculation?I have contacted you before in the message?I m here to place an order to find out the striptease game exclusive to premature ejaculators. I have a idea now, can you play a premie poker strip game with me? Game rules: red card to take off a piece of clothing (including any pendant, shoes, socks..but I can‘t jerk off?only watching u’), black card to wear one piece of clothing (black card can jerk off) ?you can prepare more clothes please. you can wear a lot of clothes to make sure I can t see your body?I hope your attire is 1.A big long coat 2. Long skirt 3.High heels 4.Shorts 5. Long-sleeved shirt 6.Tight body shirt 7.Tight tank top 5.Sexy bra 6.Thong......You can also prepare some clothes you want to wear when you take black card.(you can tell me how sexy your bra and panties are every time you undress, teasing me and making me look forward to the moment when I can see you sexy? Because I m an extreme premature ejaculator, I ll ejaculat

  • 00:11:01
  • Jul 23, 2023
  • 50


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