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stepmom gets what she wants

Stepmom Sasha is super tired and wants a foot massage. She asks her stepson to help her relax by giving her a massage. He agrees, just as long as he can sit down and watch a movie while he does it. As he is massaging his stepmom, he doesn t see that she is also fingering herself and getting double the pleasure. Stepson notices it once he moves his hands away from her feet and she is still saying how good it feels. He turns to her and sees what she is doing. Shocked, he steps away and asks why she s doing what she is doing. Stepmom tells him she wants him to help her cum and she can t do it on her own. Stepson is taken back by the request at first, but with a little convincing that his dad wont find out, he grabs a dildo and starts giving it to her. But, after several strokes, she still can t get off. She then comes up with the idea of using his dick instead. Stepson thinks about it for a second and then jumps in on the idea. He gives his stepmom his huge cock from all positions until h

  • 00:32:15
  • Jul 28, 2023
  • 850


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