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meeting desperate sushii outside bathroom jeans piss

You re at a house party & couldn t help but notice a super hot girl stumble over to the bathroom but the door is locked. You need the bathroom too & you two make small talk. You learn her name, Sushii Xhyvette, and she s trying to act normal but she admits that she really needs to pee badly. she s crossing her legs, looking concerned & had to even grab her crotch TIGHT! Oh no, her panties are getting wet... and she s pissing her super skintight jeans right in front of you! It s coming down both legs, making dark streaks. you can even see how YELLOW her pee is on the floor! How is she going to get out of this predicament. The party host comes by & they chat about it. She also agrees to go out with you... just help her get out of here! Then we chat about real life wetting scenarios as she shows her thin pissy panties!

  • 00:12:49
  • Aug 06, 2023
  • 100


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