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veruca james - stepsister s confession: part 1

Part One - Veruca James is visiting her big stepbrother to congratulate him on finally divorcing the frumpy bitch who was stifling his adventurous spirit. Recently divorced herself, Veruca says that her heart was never fully with her ex-husband. Her ex never compared to someone else that she s always adored and looked up to. Her best memories are with this person, and her stepbrother knows him very well. He tells her the mystery man is a fool not to notice a gorgeous woman like Veruca. Talking about how comfortable and happy they ve always been with each other as stepsiblings, Veruca asks why they couldn t date. Not taking her seriously, he laughs. But then Veruca reveals the truth about how she used to watch him with his girlfriends, envious of how he fucked them. Before he can react, Veruca pounces, pinning him to the couch as she finally kisses him after all these years of longing. Pent-up desire is rapidly brought to fruition as Veruca delights in finally feeling her big stepbrothe

  • 00:18:28
  • Aug 14, 2023
  • 125


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