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footing the bill

It is a lot of money... but it doesn t have to be! Emma Shay has been running up the utility bills and showering for two hours some days. Nicky is not pleased, to say the least, and he brings it to her attention. Emma will do ANYTHING to work out the money problems, and Nicky comes up with the perfect solution. He shows Emma his shoes and tells her how he knows she secretly lusts after his shoes and feet, and he is going to use her to worship his feet and shoes to please him. Nicky gives Emma his shoe for a long sniff, then, when she is starting to get excited, he spreads her pussy lips with his toes and starts fucking her with his foot. Emma is out of her mind with excitement at the touch of Nicky s toes on her clit, and she moans and agrees to no more long showers if he will just let her cum. She worships every inch of Nicky s feet before he fucks her pussy deep with his big toe until Emma cums hard. She lic

  • 00:14:41
  • Aug 20, 2023
  • 186


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