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can u help me? with alexis crystal,barbara sweet by vipissy

VIPissy presents Alexis Crystal,Barbara Sweet in Can U Help Me? . Cute best friends Alexis Crystal and Barbara Sweet are in the gym working out when Alexis tries to lift some weights that are a little heavy for her. She looks to get some help from Barbara but these girls decide that they can have a lot more fun in the gym than exercising! Alexis helps Barbara out of her shorts and then lays back so that Barbara can spray her golden piss all over her leotard. Horny Barbara licks her way up Alexis body all the way to her mouth before these pissing lesbians kiss. She helps Alexis out of her pee drenched outfit and then using the weights bench they enjoy licking each others pussies at the same time. Suddenly, Alexis fires a stream of her piss out towards Barbara s mouth, giving her a taste of piss drinking and some of her juices even hit her own face! Alexis kneels up and enjoys some fingering then aims another stream of her warm piss into Barbara s mouth! Alexis soon returns the favour

  • 00:27:10
  • Aug 31, 2023
  • 562


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