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doctor sage eldritch: the penis specialist s accidental penectomy

Doctor Sage Eldritch is the third penis specialist you ve been to about your issues. She assures you that she wants everyone to have a healthy and happy penis and promises you are in safe hands with her. Her nipples keep barely peeking out of her top, but she doesn t seem to notice. Looking through your paperwork, she goes over the recurring problems that you struggle with.. a less than average sized penis; a skinny penis; a bent penis; unable to perform penis; so many problems! As Doctor Sage listens to you explain answers to her questions, she gets an idea of what they true problem is. She exclaims that you have been mishandling your penis your whole life and have traumatized it! After scribbling down notes, she sternly tells you that there is no choice but an injection of medication. She tells you it will work like a Viagra and will always keep your penis hard and ready now. After administering the shot, your penis goes from looking bad to great to now purple. Doctor Sage freaks out

  • 00:12:06
  • Sep 26, 2023
  • 262


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