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i hunted a young man with huge cock at a fuel station and took him to the motel

As usual, we go out with my husband to walk around the city, looking for a woman or a young man to share a sexual experience with us. We passed a gas station and I saw a very attractive young man sitting in the gas station bar. My husband parked the car and I got out and went to talk to the boy. I made him an irrefutable offer and he got in the car with us. We took him straight to the motel to check his dick size. The good thing about this experience was that the boy had a 19 cm dick, very thick, which made me reach orgasm several times, in gratitude I swallowed all the cum that came out of that dick. All under the watchful eye of my husband, who always participates, but this time he chose to be a voyeur.

  • 00:11:27
  • Oct 23, 2023
  • 75


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