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jacking off with my spanish stepdaughter (with amarna miller) joi

You have a new step daughter and she is very sweet. Amarna wants to talk to you about boys. She is used to Spanish boys who are not circumcised, but in America she knows that many boys are circumcised. Is this true? She is not sure how to handle a cut cock and she wants you to help her if you can. Would you please let her see your cock so that she does not freak out the first time she sees one on her own? Of course you will show her your cut cock! Amarna is excited and surprised at the sight of your dick. Since her step-mom is out of the house, she figures that you might be able to get hard for her so that she can see a nice American cock. What she sees seems to turn her on and she wants to tell you how to handle your cut cock. She takes off her t-shirt and you see her small, perky boobs. You are entranced by her Spanish accent as your stroke yourself to her tight body. Every word she whispers seems to make your dick harder and harder. When she takes off her shorts, you see she is wear

  • 00:11:03
  • Oct 29, 2023
  • 144


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