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bubble butt jaslin diaz gets anal creampie

Jaslin Diaz was sitting on a chair, and the first thing we see is her bubble butt spanked hard by Michael talking to her, giving her compliments about her butt. Michael asks her that any guy has put his face she says yes. Michael asks her will he get a chance to do the same with her as he asks him, we can see the joy in her voice. Then we see Michael approaching her and holds her from the back and kisses her body, and goes down and sticks his face in her bubble butt and licks it hard as Michael licks her pussy. Jaslin Diaz moans as Michael squeezes her bubble butt. Then Michael stands on the floor and frees his hard dick from his pants, and Jaslin Diaz yanks his hard dick. Then Michael gets horny. He hooks his hard dick with the strap of her panty and moves his body as if he is fucking her. Then he again goes down to lick her bubble butt. After getting it wet like the way he wanted, he sticks his hard dick in her pussy and starts fucking her.
Michael makes her stand from the

  • 00:32:20
  • Oct 31, 2023
  • 95


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