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i bet you wish you could fuck me (with heather vahn) - joi

Heather wants to fuck you, but your tiny bed seems to be a problem. She doubts you can fit in the bed together. Her horniness cannot be stopped, though, and she decides that instead she will help you to jerk off. You take your dick out and start working it over as Heather directs your every movement. Her perky titties are exposed and you want to reach over to touch them. They look so soft. Then she slides down her pants to show off her pretty ass. You see how tight her body is and you lament the fact that your bed is so small. At least you get to see Heather naked on that tiny bed. She flips over to show off her ass and pussy and she really wants you to cum all over both, so do it now and make sure that you do not disappoint horny Heather.

  • 00:07:45
  • Nov 30, 2023
  • 198


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