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i cannot fuck that tiny dick! (with chloe addison) - jerk off instructions

Chloe had fun at dinner tonight, but that is the end of things as far as she is concerned. Your dick is too small for her, so forget about it. Since she did order the most expensive menu item, she feels that she owes you something. You can jack off in front of her, but there is no way she will be touching your tiny dick. She laughs as you take your small member and start to work it. Oh, you poor thing! You only use two fingers to work it, and that makes Chloe embarrassed for you. She lets you see her boobs as a consolation prize, and you are thankful for that. Some girls will not even bother once they see your tiny prick. She suspects that her clit is bigger than your dick. She is not wrong about that, is she? Not that it would ever happen, but Chloe guarantees that she would never feel your dick if you tried to fuck her with it. You have never been told before that your dick is so small, but you already knew. You are surprised that you are so turned on by her laughing taunts, though.

  • 00:06:11
  • Dec 14, 2023
  • 127


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