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custom: bra try on and exercises

4 minutes - try on some of your favorite bras. Bounce your boobs in them and then do a few jumping jacks for each one while talking about how well the bra is able to hold your boobs in. 3 minutes - boob squeezing, slapping, and shaking (1 min front view, 1 min side view, and 1 min front view bending over) 1 minute - jumping jacks 1 minute - jump rope 1 minute - running in place You d be topless while wearing workout shorts or something similar with full body in view and camera facing the front (make sure camera height is around chest level and isn t too low so that it looks like I m looking up). Your hair would be down and you d be talking about how the exercises feel on your boobs throughout the video.

  • 00:11:08
  • Dec 27, 2023
  • 27


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