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breaking me?! (part 1)

* This is PART 1 of a Marathon, Multi-Part Series, featuring me strapped down moaning, begging, laughing and cumming my brains out more than I EVER have in my entire life! *

It s true! As promised to so many of you lovelies wanting to see me moan, beg and cum my brains out, I’ve embarked on the orgasmic adventure of submitting myself to the ultimate role reversal!

It’s Myles’ turn to be the one in charge, and my turn to get lost in total, helpless pleasure! Besides, after weeks of teasing him to his breaking point, and a taboo sex slave series for him not too far off in the distance, I felt he had earned some time to have his way with me!

I can’t however, say that I’m submitting myself to be a living sex toy, just for his entertainment and your incredible viewing pleasure…

My hunger, curiosity, and need to experience my own endless teasing, bound pleasure-torment, has hit it’s peak after teasing him for all those weeks and months, and now I

  • 00:17:40
  • Mar 14, 2024
  • 51


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