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alphamales - beefy builders

The men have been sent to fix some plumbing. Justin has to climb over the sink to inspect the tubes and in doing so presents his meaty ass to his co-worker Jessy. It’s like a red flag to a bull. Jessy literally dives in and Justin barely complains. The boys kiss, take off their overalls, explore each other’s hairy bodies and feel the hard cocks pushing in their pants. Justin pushes Jessy against the wall and start sucking the thick cock. When the heat of his mouth becomes too much for Jess he pushes Justin back, on the bed and returns the favour by sucking his dick and tasting his meaty hairy ass. He Fucks Justin like that, on his back and gradually turns him over until he lays on his front and Jessy can dig in deep. But that’s not enough. Jessy turns him upside down and drills him more before shooting on Justin’s chest while he works Jessy’s balls with his mouth. Justin is not long to follow and shoots a massive creamy load on the rest of his front. Jessy receives a call from Trojan.

  • 00:19:31
  • Feb 20, 2024
  • 32


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