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my step sister is horny for my fat dick (with karla kush) - joi

Karla heard a rumor and she wants to know if it is true. She was told by a friend of hers that you happen to have a huge cock. Is it true that you have a fat one? You are her step brother, but she does not care about that. Please, will you show your dick to your young step sister? Even when flaccid, she can see you have an impressive dick. As it becomes hard, she gets hornier. Karla knows you have wanted to see her naked, and today she plans to show you all that she has. Her small, perky tits are perfect and they keep your dick hard as you handle yourself. Karla tells you that she has always wanted to undress for you so that you cum. Her fleshy pussy lips are spread so that you can see how pink she is inside. What you really want to do is to ram your hard shaft into her tight snatch, but you have to keep control of yourself. Karla tells you that she wants you to jizz all over her face and you give her just what she wants.

  • 00:06:51
  • Jan 13, 2024
  • 172


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