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russian teen stress relief technique

Talk about a perfect name for this Teenie delight. Okay actually she s 23 but she doesn t like a day over 18, and with her being named Tini, we just couldn t resist!We find Tini caressing her slim figure and it does seem that she has some interesting thoughts on her mind as the expression on her face would suggest. As she starts fondling herself, those thoughts become more apparent and her top comes off to expose her small but oh so suckable titties.Panties are next and a play session with her pink ensues as she grabs a bottle of oil and glistens that model-esque body of hers, parting her thighs making sure to give us perfect views as her buzzie little friend joins in on the fun.Yep she buzzes her way right into orgasmville setting Tini up for a stress-less day. For more on this Russian cutie don t forget to check out her model profile where she has 8 more sets to drool over!

  • 00:15:07
  • Jun 01, 2014
  • 189


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