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circumcision by your surgeon girlfriend sage eldritch

Your surgeon girlfriend, Sage Eldritch, greets you as you come into her office. As you lay back on the table, she gives you a sexy striptease, dancing around in her panties. She restrains you before sitting back down asking you if you re ready to begin. Sage tells you that she is really going to give you a Circumcision. She comments that it s odd you ve never had one, but she knows you ll prefer it. She remembers you telling her when you first found out what a circumcision was and she knows the thought of that happening excites you. Without being given any pain relief, your girlfriend Sage talks you through the Circumcision as she s performing it on you. She is so proud of how well you re doing. After the surgery is a success, Sage tells you how happy she is and how well you did. When you get back home, you can google more about your new Circumcision. She knows you love looking up that kind of stuff ;)

  • 00:17:10
  • Jan 18, 2024
  • 218


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