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getting facesit by boss lady jane judge

Adam has been working for this company for so long. He is usually on time with his quarterly reports. However, he has been lacking on his performance lately and being late on his reports. Boss Lady Jane knows about what Adam has been doing lately and catches him watching porn on the company tablet on his break. She is disgusted by his absenteeism and decides to teach him a lesson or he gets fired. Jane makes Adam lay on his back while she sits on his face. She is wearing nylon pantyhose as she rubs her ass on his face. Adam feels the imposing on his face as he is given many ultimatums to finish his reports but every answer is not good enough. What answer in the given time will it be that Adam has to finish his reports or he gets more face sitting and fired!?

  • 00:10:07
  • Mar 10, 2024
  • 69


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