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beauty fucks her man and gets him off with a footjob

Katarina Muti is back with her perfectly toned stems and sexy dainty tootsies to excite your pleasure stick, giving you a boner! And the brunette Russian babe is looking slammin in her bustier lingerie!Lounging in her high heels she decides to get ready and begins putting her thigh high stockings on, in of course the most alluring of ways. In the midst of getting dressed she is interrupted by Thomas Stone who clearly wants to bone!Teasing him with some foot play on the bed while he is petting her pink pussy their erotic encounter begins. Turning her over onto her stomach and enjoying a bit of pussy eating from behind while gets creative and gives him a footjob to his giant hard member.The pair then opt for some sexy spoon style before he puts her in doggy style and fully gives her some hard pussy fucking from behind.For leg fetish this is definitely one you don t want to miss as she gets him off, giving him an orgasm and he cums on her perfect feet.

  • 00:34:14
  • Aug 16, 2015
  • 476


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