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busty british brunette lotions curvy ass and showers

Meet British new face Emma Green as the stunning brunette with blue eyes and the most amazingly curvy ass gets ready to take a shower. First she presents herself in her satiny lingerie, her bra hugging her 34DD natural tits as she displays mouthwatering cleavage. Taking off the bra she presses her juggs with her pretty fingers, indulging in nipple play before taking down her panties and rubbing her trimmed pussy. Then she heads into the shower, lotioning herself with body wash as this softcore solo gets more and more sensual by the second!Her body glistening with the cream, she then lets loose the shower to rinse her body even as she keeps up the titty play and masturbation. Finally at the end of this Full HD erotic video and nude pics we get some of the best shots yet of her stunning derriere as she dries herself with the towel and stands in front of the mirror or kneels on the floor in doggy style poses! The allure of her flesh will feel so real before your eyes in this outstanding debut of a big tits glamour babe we’re sure to see much more of on the DDF Network!

  • 00:11:50
  • Jun 13, 2015
  • 161


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