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Bountifully blessed busty pornstar Joanna Bliss returns and this Romanian favorite is ready to rock our nuts as she peels out of a low-cut little blue minidress that superbly spotlights her lush cleavage! Once she peels the dress down in her Full HD big tits porn show, she displays off her 36H big natural boobs in a gorgeous red and black lace bra, leaning over us, pressing her puppies together, then finally taking them out of the cups. Oh does bare-breasted Joanna ever look ripe for a titty fuck fantasy, as this curvy lady squeezes her torpedos, looms over us with knockers in hand, and finally gets naked to lean over the couch and swing and sway her sacks when she’s not laying back and playing with her pink shaved pussy. And the final shots of Joanna pressing her lusty loaves together in her nude pics are perfect launching pads for your loads!

  • 00:15:10
  • May 24, 2015
  • 278


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