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sweet from slit to smile

A gorgeous newcomer to our onebyday site (she’s only made one other DDF appearance so far, on EuroGirlsOnGirls), Lolly Gartner lolls about on blue satin sheets, ready to show us her considerable charms! This blonde from Latvia has the most amazing blue eyes as well as a pair of flowery pussy lips that will get your mouth and meat watering from the moment you see them in her new Full HD solo girl sex video and nude pics. Lolly is damn sexy in her pretty frock too, so feel free to fire off a load or two even before she disrobes! Then you can savor her 36A-22-34 form as she lifts up the dress to expose her sea-green panties and the lovely smooth shaved pussy mound below, which she caresses with her nimble fingers. Our girl gets us drooling further when she teases a bit with her titties still in her bra, showing off her warm cleavage. But soon lovely Lolly gets butt naked for the glamour porn lenses of our cameras, giving her all in closeups that capture her sweet allure from cheek to nip to slit to smile!

  • 00:18:41
  • Apr 24, 2015
  • 256


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