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the mistress mellows out

Brook Scott from the United Kingdom looks like a fierce mistress indeed in her tightly cinched black and red corset, gladiator style open-toe stiletto shoes, and the whip that she tugs between her strong hands and wraps around her awesome derriere. You dont want to incite her ire or you might feel the sting of those black thongs against your back or ass!
But it turns out this tattooed dominatrix is in a bit of a mellow mood today, and youre going to get a break. Instead of making you kneel before her and take a tongue lashing or worse, she wants you to watch her pleasure her body all by herself. After all, as this fetish XXX video proves, she is a self-contained goddess and doesnt need to rely on or be serviced by any slave or stud to get her necessary orgasmic release!
So consider yourself a lucky fly on the wall as this stunning Amazon reclines to pleasure her privileged pinkness on her bed. Keep quiet as she teases you--hold off touching your cock until she has her climax fi

  • 00:38:15
  • Apr 24, 2015
  • 225


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