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a flirty handful of female

Get to know Brook Scott a little better as this torrid but fun-loving blue-eyed beauty from the United Kingdom does a Full HD video interview and nude pics! Brook is vivacious and enticing as she shows off everything from her warm inviting cleavage in her blouse, to her gorgeous elaborate tattoos, to her bright red toenail polish, to her luscious pussy and butt. We think your mouth will water and your dick stiffen as this flirty handful of female takes off her blouse and tempts us with her 34DDD/E-25-36 bod, which is prettily accented by sea green lingerie. Brook even playfully sticks out her tongue to show off her piercing, then peels down her bra and panties so she can lick her own pink nipples and finger her slit. But Brook is full of surprises, as she even gives herself a spanking that leaves her cheeks an exciting pink, before getting back on the couch to finish up her onebyday interview with some deep pussy probing for our DDF cameras!

  • 00:35:08
  • Feb 03, 2015
  • 206


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