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fisting the furniture, part 2

It’s time for more latex porn as Bruno SX returns to have additional fun with his human female furniture, Latex Lucy (in the head mask) and Lucia Love. As this Full HD extreme sex video begins, he gets them worshipping his cock, then deeply fingers Lucia before fucking Lucy while Lucy eats Miss Love. The handy zipper openings in their latex costumes make this all very convenient. Lucia sits on Lucy’s face while Bruno bangs Lucy, and then Lucia throats Bruno’s dick to lube it up for her asshole. While Lucia’s boffed in the butt, she holds a double dong in her mouth and fucks Lucy’s shaved pussy with it. Lucia’s rosebud really gets reamed by Bruno’s boner, as you’ll see in some startling shots. Finally Lucia kneels before Bruno and sucks his cock again, taking his load on her tongue while Lucy holds the meat and licks off some creamy drops too. But the action is hardly over, because after a cum swap between the two ladies, Lucy then pees into Lucia’s mouth. And then she holds Bruno’s cock and directs a stream of his pissing right into Miss Love’s mouth as well, as this truly wild adventure in fetish XXX video floods to its ultimate climax!

  • 00:20:18
  • Apr 10, 2015
  • 283


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