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lens on her lust

In today’s POV video, you’re testing out your new camera. You’re a pro photog and you know a thorough investigation of your equipment’s potential is necessary before you take on any assignments with it. Luckily, you have your friend Kiki Minaj nearby to help you in the testing process... Since you’re an XXX shooter and take loads of closeups, Kiki will help you test the closeup capability. And what better way than by bringing you to hardness with a teasing view of her big tits spilling out of her robe, followed by some hot cock sucking on your root? Gradually losing her robe and getting naked, Kiki writhes her curvy bod around on the purple bedspread, then on the ottoman of a chair, as she gives your big dick a blowjob to remember. And as she goes for the cum, it looks like your camera is ready for work, your lens having captured Kiki’s lust and oral skills in sharp sucking action!

  • 00:20:33
  • Mar 26, 2015
  • 190


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