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submit to me, part 1

In today’s extreme sex roleplay captured in a Full HD BDSM video, David Perry dominates Lucia Love in the bathtub. She’s already bound and gagged when he undresses to join her. Showing his complete command, he sprays her in the face with the shower attachment, twists her nipples, and presses the soles of his feet against her nose and mouth while he leans back in the water to read the newspaper. After awhile he decides she deserves more intense treatment, so he shoves her face under the water for a brief drenching. Then, turning her around, he uses her ass as his stool as he goes back to reading the paper. When she gets a little feisty, he sprays her with the water again while pressing his foot against the back of her head. When that still doesn’t seem to quell her rebellious spirit, he gives her a hard spanking with his hand and then shoves her head under the water again. But this is just a warm-up for what climaxes the scene: fisting. He crams his fingers and then most of his hand into her asshole before dunking her head under the water with the cruel strength of his feet. But her trials of total submission to her master’s whims are not over; you’ll see what happens next in Part 2.

  • 00:18:43
  • Mar 23, 2015
  • 188


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