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from snatch to shaft

In today’s extra-special two-girl POV blowjob video, you are an interviewer on the set of a porn movie, and what a cast to observe! Two of DDF’s hottest and sexiest cuties, Nesty and Tiffany Doll, are doing a lesbian scene. You get to watch from the dressing room to the video set, your dick throbbing and wishing you could enjoy some of that action. Well, as soon as these two lovelies are done with their thespian lesbian activities, they pull you into the bathroom because they need a big dick for cock sucking too. These girls don’t live by pussy alone! They like a diet of snatch AND shaft. On with the blowjob!! And so as you settle in, you get to see blonde Nesty and brunette Tiffany do their oral thing on your lucky rod, with Nesty’s gorgeous blue eyes looking up at you while her skilled tongue works its wonders and Tiffany’s delightful lips engulfing your sausage while her brown pretty peepers watch you closely. The girls also eat each other as they take turns on your tool, until they finally pull your big load out on their mouths!

  • 00:31:35
  • Mar 10, 2015
  • 394


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