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1000 kisses of foot love

Hello, my foot-loving darling! I’m Candy Sweet from Hungary and I’d like to give you an opportunity to worship me as you watch my new Full HD leg fetish XXX video... If you were actually here, I would have you crawl so close until you could see a reflection of yourself in my shiny metal high heels! Then I’d have you watch and stroke as I took off my pumps so you could see my sheer beige stockings. If you’d promise not to leak any of your pre-cummy goo on the floor, I’d tell you to kiss my toes and soles...I’d require a thousand kisses of foot love and adoration! I’d give you a preview of what it’s like to worship my heels...see? Just lick your tongue on the heel...then suck. Then, I’d have you take my nylon stockings down...maybe with your teeth, while you crouched naked in front of me! Do you think you could hold back your cummies while you did it? I bet you’d lose your load so fast when you finally saw my feet naked and up-close though. I absolutely love kisses on my bare toes and warm soles, so why don’t you come near the screen and practice while you stroke. Let your cummies fill your hand, you know you want to cum for my feet. Oh yes, darling, I want my 1000 kisses and your sticky foot boy cream whether you’re here or far!

  • 00:22:56
  • Mar 04, 2015
  • 274


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