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teens with toy and tool

Barely legal pornstars Gabi (in the pink top) and Zarina (in the gray) are having a fun girlie time as their teen XXX video opens, trying out some new outfits. But you know how these restless teens are...any excuse they can find to start making out! And they quickly progress from kissing to stripping off their scanties and rubbing and riding on a humongous toy... Well, just as things get really stirred up with Zarina cramming Gabi’s clam with the vibe, their mutual friend Nikolas shows up and they playfully compare his tool size to the toy’s. The comparison is favorable and he’s invited to make it a threesome. He watches the girls as they sixty-nine and use the toy, then he takes over sliding the dildo into Gabi while Zarina gives him some cock sucking. Next thing they know, Nik gives Gabi a double penetration with the toy in her veeg and his dick in her asshole, and delivers a creampie in doggie style right over Zarina’s face below--climaxing with his spunk an action-packed serving of teen erotica!

  • 00:22:55
  • Feb 25, 2015
  • 191


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