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sex toy for sleepy head

Billie Star decides to awaken her sleepyhead roommate Linda Sweet by gently rubbing and kissing her pink clam and then sliding in a vibrator in this new lesbian XXX video full of the scenes of girls eating pussy that we all love! Billie really gets Linda alert and ready to face the morning by waking her up this way, but first things first! Orgasms first, then orange juice! Linda sticks up her butt doggie style so that Billie can plunge the toy into her snatch deeply. Then Billie lays back so Linda can slurp her snatch and slide her fingers in, and then stuffs her own dildo into Billie’s asshole. These nude babes are cookin’!! Finally the two Czech wild girls lean back against the headboard and finish each other off with hands and toys as this dildo sex thriller comes to a horny writhing climax!

  • 00:33:12
  • Feb 10, 2015
  • 337


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