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the queen of our cocks

Wow, in her five inch high heel pumps, our gorgeous 2014 Glamour Sex Goddess Eva Parcker from France stands almost six feet tall! That is so awesome. She’s the Queen of Our Cocks today! Outfitted in her tantalizingly off-the-shoulder little black dress, she wastes no time in tugging up her hem and showing off that shaved pussy which has so enchanted the Internet. What a thrill it would be to lick that superb slit! And then there’s the matter of that delicious derriere, as detailed in her fresh new exclusive Full HD solo girl sex video and nude pics. Eva is so sultry as she poses on the floor in the atmospheric lamp light, a tigress ready to be tamed, or an Amazon lioness pulling us into her lair to seduce our dicks until there’s no sperm left to shoot! When she’s finally bare except for her bracelet and heels, it’s all we can do to stop from biting our laptops or mobile phones, hungry for this beauty who, whether she’s showing off her luscious nipples on that 40C-27-38 body or penetrating herself with her red-polished fingertips, effortlessly increases semen production worldwide with each appearance she makes on the Web!

  • 00:22:29
  • Feb 04, 2015
  • 253


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