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learn your place girl

In todays roleplay, Tiffany Doll from France finds herself in quite a fix. Her boyfriend, played by Ben Kelly, is super-kinky and likes to keep her chained naked to a bed in his house and then torment her with a metal garden tool! She cant really make any kind of clear protest because its hard to talk with a metal bit in her mouth! Well, she knows Ben is sexually adventurous and she wants to go along for the ride, but her natural feistiness comes out as he attempts to teach her what her place is in their relationship.
Ben presses the sharp points of the tool against her titties and ass, then gives her a break to get down on her knees and suck his cock. Hed rather not take the bit out of her mouth but then decides itll make for a better blowjob if he does. But then Tiffany gets defiant when her mouth is freed, so he holds her by her pigtail and gives that lush booty of hers a good spanking in this fetish XXX video!
Now that shes chastised a little, its time for Tiffany

  • 00:37:06
  • Jan 07, 2015
  • 258


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