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cum for the hitchhiker

In today’s POV, you’re driving along in the Czech Republic, on your way to the city of Brno, the second biggest in the country after Prague. While you’re resting roadside, Tiffany Doll comes up and asks to hitch a ride. You agree, but when you tell her you’re going to Brno, she decides to convince you to go to Prague. And how do you think she makes you change your plans, hmm? No sooner can you say the words “big dick” than this brown-eyed French honey is displaying her cock sucking skills, after tempting you with some finger work in her pussy. Down come your jeans as she slides her face along your thickening inches, holding your root firmly in her pretty hand as she gives you a fantastic blowjob! It’s hard to drive safely under such a delightful distraction, so you let Tiffany do her thing at the side of the road, lathing your shaft with her tongue without getting the two of you into an accident. Finally you cum for her mouth and she licks her tongue happily, having enjoyed one of her favorite roadside snacks and knowing that’s she on the way to Prague!

  • 00:18:25
  • Dec 29, 2014
  • 289


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