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the natural

Michelle from Czech Republic is back at Hairy Twatter and she s just come fresh from an Anal scene. She s been challenged to enjoy the Sybian, though with no attachment since she is a self Proclaimed virgin. She s got quite the bush, perhaps that s why no man has managed to traverse within, but today she displays it all to us gaping wide, and showing us her full kit before going for the ride! Michelle pops her pussy lips right on the ridged platform attachment of the Sybian and lets the vibrations work their magic. At times it seems as though her and the sybian both will lift off the ground, and when she grabs that orgasm and cums all over the syb, you will know why Michelle returns to Twatter land every chance she gets!

  • 00:10:56
  • Aug 20, 2014
  • 225


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