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jade janzten diapered wetting and cumming in it

Jade is struggling as D-Perv is trying to restrain her arms. She was caught trying to escape the clinic but thankfully the Dr comes in (Kenna Valentina) carrying a diaper bag. We get her arms restrained and Kenna pulls out a pacifier gag for Jade. Kenna decides the next step in calming her down is taking away her bathroom priveledges but making her wear a diaper! Jade is freaking out as I take off her pants & slide a cushy medical diaper underneath her, wipes and powder & let s get it taped up tightly. We put a sticker on her diaper with 3 different checkmarks for #1, 2 & 3. Jade really needs to pee and is trying to hold it so the clinician tries her best to coax her to wet her diaper... she can t hold her bladder and totally pisses in her diaper, making it nice and saggy. Then we give her a bottle but she tries to escape after taking the wrist restraints off! Kenna pulls out a vibrator so the clinician can use it over her diapers, making her cum really hard in her wet piss

  • 00:20:19
  • Aug 03, 2023
  • 732


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